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RIA Growth & Technology




Helping RIAs grow their business is our top priority. We are TradePMR, a growth-minded, service-oriented custodial service provider built by RIAs for RIAs. Since 1998, taking excellent care of your firm has been the cornerstone of our business.

Thousands of advisors have made the switch and experienced our award-winning level of customer service3 and top rated custodial service platform.2 Whether you are looking to add an additional custodial services provider or make the switch to a new one, TradePMR offers advisors access to dedicated team members, so when you need help, you know exactly who to call.



Ready to learn how TradePMR's Financial Advisor Support Services could help your firm grow?

We're TradePMR. But you can call us Rob, Susan, Curt ...

As an RIA, when you have a question, you deserve an answer. You don’t have time to wait on a long hold queue or navigate endless phone menus – you need direct access to people who can help you. At TradePMR, we offer just that.

No dealing with a different person each and every time you need support.

We are invested in every one of your requests, and only connect you with qualified and experienced team members who are empowered to address your requests and support your business. That’s one of the reasons we’ve been named the top-rated Custodial Platform in Advisor Satisfaction three out of the last four years.2



“RIAs should take note – TradePMR has built one of the better RIA platforms.”

– Joel Bruckenstein5

Founder of T3 Technology Tools for Today

See how TradePMR can help you
transform your business with our RIA Support Services.


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